Join us on Halloween for our NEXT Community of Practice!
This month, our featured guest is Natasha Aruliah, who is a racialised, immigrant settler, and lives on stolen land of the Coast Salish (Vancouver, Canada). Born in the UK to Sri Lankan Tamil parents, she was an Interculturalist from birth, navigating cultures and difference. This month she will guide us on a conversation about decolonising our work as educators, trainers and researchers.
Our monthly Community of Practice is exclusively for members to:
- Share concerns and or challenges you are having in your work
- Discuss what is happening in the industry
- Troubleshoot issues that are coming up in trainings and how to respond
- Learn best practices for building and growing your business
Register for Zoom link.
More about Natasha Aruliah:
Natasha is the past President of SIETAR BC and is still active in the global SIETAR network regularly presenting at conferences internationally. She is a trained therapist and works with marginalised communities and clients, where she has witnessed how systems and structures harm people. This led to working with organisations, as a facilitator, consultant, educator and coach, specialising in justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI), decolonising and transformative change. With over 25 years of international experience, her work has included a government initiative facilitating community dialogues on racism around the province of British Columbia as part of an anti-hate-crimes strategy. She has appeared on CBC, Global TV and in the media in issue of hate crimes, systemic racism and the police, bystander roles, diversity and inclusion. As a keynote speaker she has spoken on a variety of JEDI issues, including a dialogue with Robin Di’Anglo in 2019 talking about White fragility, with whom she has co-facilitated racial equity retreats in Seattle, Washington.
Come to learn how we can be more effective in our work.